Fuji TV broadcasts a drama based on Hoshi’s Oh, My Homeland (Ah Sokokuyo) as one of four short dramas for the popular series The Strangest Stories (Yonimo Kimyona Monogatari).
On-Demand T-shirt store pTa.shop begins selling the Hoshizulu shirts.
Audible in Japan begins the release of the Shinichi Hochi Masterpiece Collection. A total of 20 audiobooks will be released by February 2025.
Kadokawa publishes The Voice in Outer Space (Uchu no Koe) as part of the series Classic Novels in 100 minutes.
1,657 stories are submitted to the 12th annual Hoshi Awards.
Napkut in Hungary publishes The Secretary on Your Shoulder (Katano Ueno Hisho), a collection of sixteen short-shorts.
NHK General Television starts broadcasting reruns of sixteen episodes of Shinichi Hoshi’s Strange-Strange Stories.
Mejiro Books publishes a large-font version of The Whimsical Robot (Kimagure Robot) for the visually impaired.
Shinchosha shop begins selling two designs of the Hoshizulu bird on masking tape in addition to a mug and notepad. Hoshi often drew this bird alongside his autograph, and it is supposed to be a crane.
Catalogue House’s monthly magazine Tsuhan Seikatsu starts a new series featuring Hoshi’s short stories. Writers, actors, and comedians, etc. will choose their favorite Hoshi stories every month.
Shinchosha selects Uchu no Aisatsu (Greetings from Outer Space) as one of eight Premium Covers for its 100 Books of Summer fair.
The 60th annual Japan Sci-Fi Convention, Yanecon R, in Nagano offers a talk event featuring the Hoshi Awards winners.
Visuals of the Hoshi Awards wins the Bronze award in the Industry Craft category at Cannes Lions in France.
Kadokawa selects the Whimsical Robot (Kimagure Robot) as one of four Special Covers for its Summer Fair.
Visuals of the Hoshi Awards wins the Silver Pencil award in the Print & Promotion category at the One Show in New York.
Satori in Spain publishes The Whimsical Robot (Kimagure Robot) , a collection of 36 short-shorts.
Shinchosha’s Miss Bokko (Bokko-chan) reaches 2.7 million copies sold.
FM Setagaya’s Hontowa Radio in Tokyo airs an interview with Hoshi’s daughter, Marina. This program is produced by the Setagaya Literary Museum.
Picture Book Pararel World hosts a reading event of Hoshi’s six short stories at VRChat.
Daewon in Korea publishes the fifth volume of Shinichi Hoshi’s Short Short Series, The Ending You Wished For (Onozomino Ketsumatsu).
National Public Radio in the United States broadcasts Shoulder-Top Secretary (Kata no Ue no Hisho) in its Selected Shorts program. The audio is available on NPR’s podcast for five weeks.
1,389 stories are submitted to the 11th annual Hoshi Awards.
Kadokawa’s The Whimsical Robot (Kimagure Robotto) reaches 2.5 million copies.
Daewon in Korea publishes the forth volume of Shinichi Hoshi’s Short Short Series, Heaven with a Demon (Akuma no Iru Tengoku).
Shinchosha selects Mr. N’s Amusement Park (Enushi no Yuenchi) as one of eight Premium Covers for its 100 Books of Summer fair.
NHK On Demand extends streaming of Shinichi Hoshi’s Strange-Strange Stories series one year after the original broadcast.
Meijishoin in Tokyo selects The Man from Earth (Chikyu kara kita Otoko) in its Literature textbook for high schoolers.
Yilin Press in China publishes The Friendly Demon (Shitashigena Akuma) and The Mysterious Young Man (Nazo no Seinen). This concludes the four-volume Shinichi Hoshi Fantasy Series.
Daewon in Korea publishes the first three volumes of Shinichi Hoshi’s Short Short Series, Miss Bokko (Bokko-chan) Welcome, Earth! (Yokoso Chikyu-san) and Bonbon and Nightmares (Bonbon to Akumu).
Chunichi Newspaper on December 23rd and Tokyo Newspaper on December 26th publish the interview with Marina, Hoshi’s daughter, where she talks about the memory of Hoshi.
Tokyo Newspaper and Chunichi Newspaper, on December 5th, feature Hoshi’s life in commemoration of 25 years since Hoshi’s passing on December 30th 1997.
Kasetsart University in Thailand publishes a textbook for its students who study Japanese and includes Miss Bokko (Bokko-chan).
University of Education in Hanoi, Vietnam, publishes Heaven with a Demon (Akuma no iru Tengoku), a collection of Hoshi’s 24 short stories in Vietnamese.
Kodansha’s Shukan Gendai magazine’s November 28th issue has an eight-page article on Hoshi.
Shinichi Hoshi’s Strange-Strange Stories is now sold as a DVD from NHK Enterprise.
Dee Ten in Taiwan publishes Japan Fantasy Collection. It is a textbook for Chinese speaking people studying Japanese and has Hoshi’s 13 short stories in both Chinese and Japanese. It also includes a QR code to let readers listen to audiobook versions.
Czech Radio broadcasts The Doll (Ningyo) and Road to Fortune (Zaisan he no Michi). Streaming is available for four weeks.
2,767 stories are submitted to the 10th annual Hoshi Awards.
Anhui Children’s Publishing House in China publishes the last five volumes of the ten-volume Shinichi Hoshi Children’s Sci-Fi Series. They are Attractive Medicine (Miryokutekina Kusuri), The Building (Aru Tatemono), Time Box (Taimu Bokkusu), The Convenient Bag (Benrina Kaban), and The Mean Planet (Ijiwaruna Hoshi).
Rye Field in Taiwan publishes a collection of Hoshi’s short stories Miss Bokko (Bokko-chan) in Chinese.
Cinefil Wowow Plus on Prime Video starts to stream Flowers and Moles, an animation based on Hoshi’s story Flowers and Secrets (Hana to Himitsu).
The 59th annual Japan Sci-Fi Convention in Fukushima offers two lectures and an exhibition of Hoshi’s foreign books.
NHK General Television starts broadcasting reruns of twelve Shinichi Hoshi’s Strange-Strange Stories episodes.
Shinchosha selects The Fairy Distribution Company (Yousei Haikyu Gaisha) as one of eight Premium Covers for its 100 Books of Summer fair.
Due to popular demand, Dolpagu Theater Company performs Martyrdom (Junkyo) again at Hongik Art Center in Seoul, Korea. The first performance was in October 2021.
NHK (BS Premium and BS4K) broadcasts the drama series Shinichi Hoshi’s Strange-Strange Stories every Tuesday for 20 weeks. The episodes include Miss Bokko, The Department of Sustainable Living, and On a Dim Planet. The series is also available on NHK Plus (streaming) and NHK World Premium.
Shinchosha’s Welcome, Earth! (Yokoso Chikyu-san) reaches 1.5 million copies.
Nikkei announces that the short story written by Kamome Ashizawa with the help of AI is one of the winners - 5th place - of the 9th annual Hoshi Awards.